Dr Conor McTiernan (PhD) is a tourism and hospitality management lecturer in the Department of Tourism and Sport in Atlantic Technological University, Donegal. Conor is involved in EU projects such as work package leader on REMODEL, funded by Horizon Europe Widera Access https://projectremodel.eu/, a capacity building project with partners in Bursa Uludag University, Turkyie and Universidad de Leon, Spain. His also the co-leader of ATU’s Tourism cluster (WP3) in EU Green https://eugreenalliance.eu/, a pan-European project enabling peripheral and regionally located universities to become more sustainable.
Conor’s teaching and research focuses on sustainable tourism policy development, tourism networks, innovation, knowledge management and trust in tourism SMTE’s. He is knowledgeable on tourism network formation and facilitating knowledge transfer within network structures. An emerging theme of interest is the use of business modelling to mitigate against crisis and disruptions in the hospitality sector.
Conor is a member the Irish Hospitality Institute, the First International Network of Trust and is the Chair of the Tourism committee for the Laurentic Forum.